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  • 4.8/5 from 7,750+ students

  • “I’ve spent a lot of time in therapy to accomplish what this series taught in 10 lessons!"

    Megan Hansen

    "I went through this class on values on either side of my 61st birthday and I so appreciate the deep reflection that was gifted to me through this practice. Blessings."

    Lori Ortiz

    "It put words to feelings for me and helped me align with myself and those I choose to surround myself with. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!"



    What if every action you took reflected the essence of who you are authentically and the life you want to live?

    What would be different if you had the awareness and boundaries to stop doing what you thought you had to do and started only doing what you were born to do?

    What if in every moment you stepped into being who you are at your core?

    Not who everyone else wants you to be.

    Our values define what we stand for in life. They serve as our internal compass for when we feel satisfied or disappointed.

    Yet we rarely reflect or own our core values, let alone understand how they were instilled within us and how to harness them for our well-being.

    During this 10-day audio course, you’ll identify your unique values, see where you’re currently activating them, and make small tweaks where you’re not.

    In just 15-minutes a day, this awareness will provide a new lens to experience your life with intention. When your values and behaviors are in alignment, every day is filled with purpose.


  • Day 1: What Are Values?

  • In the first lesson, you’ll learn what values are, where they come from, and why they matter. This will help you better understand who you are authentically at your core.

  • Day 2: Naming Your Values

  • As you grow in life, you’re able to filter through what truly represents your beliefs and what does not. This lesson will provide specific examples of values for you to determine how they align with you personally. You’ll ultimately have a more complete picture of your unique Values Profile.

  • Day 3: Honoring Your Influencers

  • Your values are often born out of the learning that occurs with the most impactful people in your life. Values are formed through modeled behavior, socialization and the experiences that surround those influencers, for better or worse. This lesson guides you to pinpoint and honor the most impactful people and the value-driven experiences you had with them in your life.

  • Day 4: Milestone Memories

  • In this lesson, we will walk through the emotional highs and lows that created milestone memories in your life. You will begin to honor and release those stories by distilling the wisdom they created in shaping your values.

  • Day 5: Connecting The Dots

  • Now that you’ve captured your milestone moments, you will connect them to your values. We’ll walk through each experience and discover trends that truly define who you are today.

  • Day 6: Alignment Discovery

  • Using your values as the compass, you’ll reflect on your current routines, habits, and behaviors. You will lovingly recognize what is draining and filling your energy. This process will illuminate the opportunities for greater connection with yourself in all aspects of life.

  • Day 7: Owning Your Core Values

  • Now that you know your values more intimately, you’ll contemplate further to determine the 3-5 values that most definitively describe what you stand for in life.

  • Day 8: Create Your Value Promises

  • Now that you’re aware of your core values, you’ll develop actionable promises to keep yourself in alignment. These big and small tangible commitments will be loving reminders of the life you have the choice to create.

  • Day 9: Creating Habits + Routines

  • Setting clear intentions leads to a higher likelihood of embracing your Value Promises. This lesson creates a practice for how to reflect on your daily habits and behaviors without judgment. It also gives you the tools to gently readjust when you need to.

  • Day 10. Celebrating Life In Alignment

  • The final lesson serves as a celebration for the effort you’ve put into knowing yourself more deeply, releasing your stories, and living an intentional daily experience in value alignment. You now have the tools to feel an on-going sense of purpose!

  • 4.8/5 from 7,750+ students

  • MaryBeth Hyland is a bestselling author, coach, and consultant on how to create a thriving life and business. She’s successfully led culture change efforts across nearly every industry.

    As a certified mediator, mindfulness instructor, and values expert she engages audiences and teams all over the world with her authentic style of facilitation, keynote speaking, and empowerment. 

    She’s a published thought leader in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and New York Times to name a few. You can catch her interviews on how to reduce stress at work on ABC, CBS, and NBC.

    Her recent awards include: “Circle of Excellence“, “Innovator of the Year“, “Top 100 Women“, “Civic Engagement Leader“, and “Leading Women“.

    Her personal life’s mission is to remind people of the truth by giving full permission to be human.

    When she’s not on stage, she can be found on horseback in the mountains of Idaho wrangling cattle on her quest to become a cowgirl!

    Who is this course for?

    Any person who is or wants to be on a wellness journey, to release stress, and ignite more self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-care so they can be more impactful as leaders of themselves and others.

    Why is knowing and living your values important?

    It can be really challenging to stay grounded when life gets stressful or feels out of control. Your core values serve as a reliable compass to navigate the big highs and crushing lows. When you intentionally activate your core values, incredible power, energy, and freedom become possible with ease and grace.

    What will I learn in this course?

    What your values are, where they come from and how to start living them each day so that you stop being what being what other expect of you and start being legitimately happier!

    Ok. Got it. This must be expensive right?

    No. It’s $97

    Most wellness courses are like $1,000 or $797, or $479. What's the deal?

    This isn't my primary source of income and my core values include community and inner harmony. How many people can actually afford those courses who really need the help in our community?

    What's missing in this course that those other courses charge so much for?

    This is an audio course that was recorded professional studio. 

    You’ll get the 10-day audio with a workbook to complete all the exercises in. And some super powerful bonus tracks to take your values-based mindfulness to the next level.

    But there’s no cinematography or fancy technology that goes with it. It’s me keeping it simple so you can get what you need with the least amount of distractions as possible. 

    Ok, but still...Is it worth $97?

    I’ve invested 10,000+ of hours developing this framework and have facilitated it to thousands of people from every walk of life all over the world. I’ve even written a best-selling book on it - Permission to Be Human: The Conscious Leader’s Guide to Creating a Values-Driven Culture. 

    You'll get instant access to the framework to help you evolve into your most authentic self.


    I've designed this course to be actionable. It's not quick tip you forget about in an hour. It's a audio-based course with a practical framework that you can use every day, and revisit frequently.

    When will I start seeing changes in my life?

    It depends on how committed you are to doing the work. If you follow the lessons and modules, expect to see some good traction within days of applying the work, and if you stick with it regularly you’ll see sustainable shifts within a few months. If you do nothing, you’ll see no results.

    Does this course have email or call support?

    No, the course is designed to be self-guided and self-paced. With over 6,800+ students in our course, we cannot provide 1:1 support via email or calls.

    Can someone help guide me through the course?

    Yes, we do offer coaching packages to go along with the course. If you want to add 1x1 coaching to your course experience, please email [email protected].

    Do I get lifetime access to the course?

    Yes, that is included in your payment.

    I am ready to go. What do I do next?

    Click the “Get Instant Access Now” button.

    Get Instant Access For $97 Now!